A Bad School Play with Flimsy Props

School play. George Webb used to describe D.C.’s little murders with that phrase.

Many Americans don’t recognize our modern existence in those terms but that’s a pretty accurate description of being under a tail wagging the dog spell and not being able to snap out of it.

It’s too bad people deny or just won’t read about the Good vs Bad war documented in the Bible. There is still relevant information to be found; like the information in Acts 7:43. Using your favorite alternative search engine you ought to explore that passage. It may help increase your understanding if you are not familiar with the subject of that verse.

Without the background provided within the Bible the organized and well camouflaged efforts to collapse the United States is difficult to recognize and even when recognized it is difficult to accept it is taking place.

Some examples of the tactics and strategies used by our architects of change include:


What are GMO foods?


While it is pointed out in https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-truth-about-genetically-modified-food/ the human race has been altering plant genomes for a thousand years the article also points out there is a built in lack of scientific objectivity when less than unequivocal modified food test results are questioned.

Since corn and soybeans were mentioned in the above article here’s a side note http://dailycaller.com/2018/08/04/epa-ethanol-mandate-environment/.

Covert War Against Freedom


MAGA hat wearers may purposely believe the Deep State’s enemy is President Trump but they ought to be getting the message by now that it is we who are their enemy.

Perhaps this will help



A fair amount of awe and marvel and likely some cynicism, too, had to have been part of the public’s reaction when the announcement of how the mystery of eliminating diseases involved exposure to the very disease the protection was sought for. Would that we had a larger share of the undefiled cynicism to shelter US in the 21st Century; it is increasingly evident Edward Jenner’s18th Century wonder is being devolved into a modern Frankenstein engine.

If that is news to you, please, allow me to introduce the lie myself.


Geoengineering is, of course, the massive solutions to the problems created by the idiots acting on behalf of the evil in charge of disrupting a healthy human race.

In other words, the Devil’s work.

If you want some real insight into how far the evil I refer to are willing to go to retain their dangerous (and useless to US) control, take the seven minutes to listen to DutchSinse, THEE premier earthquake forecaster in the world.

The bad school play, get it like this guy does.


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